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Roswell's Bespoke Musician's Laboratory

Because your music is


than just the studio...

Everything you need to launch your music


Come for the sound...

You get that "radio ready" track!

Stay for your goals...

You've started the machine. You need to set your destination.

You are in a fight for your fans' attention...

You get your own web space to keep your fans nearby!*

You music should be funding your lifestyle...

You can sell your music, comission-free!*

You don't own your fans if you rely on social...

You need to own your e-mail list and the bridge to your fans.

Avoid the crickets...

You get a custom release strategy because, "check out my new song...please" is NOT the way to drop your music.*

Take back your time...

Your custom release strategy sets you up for a month worth's of content ideas.

Your fans need your guidance...

You get tools like unlimited dynamic QR codes to supercharge your fans.*

This is YOUR music community...

You need to harness the power of cross-band (or even cross-genre!) fans. The more your scene supports itself, the stronger you all are

My music should

You've got the music,
and it's 🔥🔥🔥

So, what's the problem??

Do you struggle to get your recordings to sound "pro"? Are they not stacking up to other tracks out there?

Do you have great recordings, but since their release they still have yet to generate any traction beyond mee-maw "hearting" it?

Is your music's social presence and strategy like a car spinning its wheels in the mud?

Did you read that and say, "Wait...strategy?".

You need that "pro" sound ...

You need a game plan

It has never been easier to get a polished sound from a bedroom recording!

But that doesn't necessarily mean that dropping a fistful of Benjamin's on new gear is going to magically get you what you think.

There's still a ton to learn, and ask any seasoned mixing artist and they'll tell you; it took a ton of bad mixes to figure out what worked.

If you're frustrated and ready to throw in the towel, DON'T!

Reach out. Let's talk about your project, and see about getting your music properly treated with the MUTT.

Then let's get you sorted out for "after the studio", because the work's not done and you know your music is worth listening to.

The good news? Your music is 🔥🔥🔥. That gives you a lot to work with.

The MUTT's bespoke recording package will set you up for a solid start! (And it's easier on the wallet, and your soul, then marching it out on your own)

You need a direct line to your fans ...

and to interact without interruption

Here's the thing...

You're in a fight for your fans' attention, and you may not even know it. Social algorithms are far more fair than they've ever been. If your content is "better" than the multi-million dollar soda ad campaign, then YOU get pushed to the front. Great! If you can pull that off every time, that is.

But, why compete? Why compete with them every single time you try and reach your audience??

You need your own space! Your own place to build and nuture your relationship with your audience!

A place to collect their their email. (Did you know that when it comes to converting fans, email is still king with a measeruable return rate of four times more than social media?!)

A place where they can support you with a download, merch, or ticket purchase, before they're convinced they need another something-or-other that's promoted in yet another ad slammed in their face.

A place where they can interact with you and maybe even drop something in your tip jar, because they're your audience...and they believe in what you're doing.

A place that isn't just pretty, but turns your visitors into fans, then into super-fans, and keeps them engaged until they become family.

You'd love it if your music funded your lifestyle ...

if you had more of what you're passionate about

"It's all about the music!"

Except when it's not.

Whether you're an accountant by day/rockstar by night, or purist-elitist artisan who sleeps in their anti-corporate van, your music has a business side, and it needs to be treated as such.

Even if the goal is simply to fund your future music projects.

It's simple. One way or another, your music requires money whether it's to fund your multi-disc release, global tour, merch, or new strings for your axe.

That requirement means more time to make that money!

You need to be leveraging the potential monetary value your music intrinsically carries with it.

Follow this math...
Money from your music = less time trying to make it elsewhere = more time for your music/passions = more music = more money from your music = less time trying to to make it elsewhere = more time for your music/passions = more music. . . repeat!

Your fans need to be


Social media is absolutely necessary, and it's a great way to market your music. But, you need to own your audience.

If you're relying on social and think you own your fans, you are wrong!

Your social media platforms are the gatekeepers between you and your fans. They own that bridge. And they can shut it down.

Do you reaaaally want to leave the survival of that bridge to someone who might shut things down because of a bet on the outcome of a cage match???

Whether you're about your music as a hobby, or music as a career, you didn't create it to sit on a digital shelf collecting electronic dust.

You need a way to drive and collect the fans you've reached to where you control the information. You own their contact info.

If you have to pay for a post to reach your fans, they're not really your fans.

You need your fans to be excited for your relase ...

but all you hear is crickets

"Hey everyone! My new track is out. Do me a favor and give it a listen, then tell me what you think, please!"


Does this post seem familiar? My heart cringes and my soul dies a little every time I see an artist use this as their release strategy. (Is throwing noodles at a wall to see what sticks really a 'strategy' for anything other than cooking noodles?)

I have been working with musicians, and as one, for a very long time. So, I know how much work, investment, heart and soul goes into this craft and artistry. To see someone waste all that effort by dropping a track without a plan, breaks my spirit every time.

Record with the MUTT and get a plan. A month's worth of strategy, customized for you.

Generate hype without burning the midnight oil coming up with ideas.

Keep your time open for more of what you love.

Your music has potential ...

Your music has a community and culture

I get it. Unlocking the potential of your music means "getting in there" and getting dirty.

And there's potential to get reaaaally can be overwhelming.

Recording with The MUTT will get you some tools to help manage the mayhem.

Dynamic QR codes, email management systems, templates, and more. Tools that I'll walk you through to help you grow your music, your career, and maybe even your bank account.

There's a business to the brand that is your music...but not at the expense of the life your music breathes.

Without your fans, none of this works. And your fans are your community.

And those fans are part of a bigger community. A community of music lovers.

If you've shared a stage, chances are your music gravitates towards the same audience as your stagemates.

Whether you skip through daisies with your fellow musicians, or publicly have beef, there is a cross-over of your fans and potential for strength in numbers.

Even if it's cross-genre!

Record with The MUTT and help your community grow stronger.

Roswell's Bespoke Musician's Laboratory

Because your music is


than just the studio...

It started with a melody. And you've poured your soul into it.

It deserves to sound pro.

It deserves to reach its potential.

The work doesn't stop once you stop the recording.

MOON MUTT is bespoke because we work with you, the artist, for what your artistry uniquely needs.

I actually want to help...

Or, if you're looking for a little advice, you can reach out for that too!

I have been a musician since I was FIVE, and when I wasn't cutting my teeth on stage, I was literally cutting and splicing tape with...well, tape!

So, I know where you're coming from. I know some of the struggles.

I actually want to help!

Get in Touch

Your Music Journey Awaits.

At MOON MUTT Recording Studio, I'm not just about hitting record; it's about launching careers, nurturing talent, and building a community where music thrives. Whether you have questions about the Backstage Pass Program, want to discuss your next project, or simply wish to say hello, I'm here to listen and help.

Reach Out Today and Let’s Make Music Together.

Or, drop me a message right here:

Your dreams are loud; let's give them the stage they deserve. I truly and sincerely want to see you succeed and am excited to be a part of your music journey.

Artist Testimonials

Musician at MOON MUTT Recording Studio. | MOON MUTT Recording Studio
"My first time ever in a recording studio. Awesome experience! Chris made everything as comfortable as possible, even on a 100+ degree day. Thrilled with the final product!"
Matthew Burke
Matthew Burke
An ornately designed golden cube with the words
"I love this studio Chris is a true pro he understands what it takes to make my vision stand out"
Wicked Device
Christopher "Wicked Device" Montano
Man singing into a microphone under a neon sign at the MOON MUTT Recording Studio. | MOON MUTT Recording Studio
"After My first experience ever in a studio, Chris made the overall experience extremely comfortable and a true joy. If the final result is anything like the experience, I just can't wait. In Chris's own words, 'Man that was Cool ! ' "
Memphis Joe
Joseph "Memphis Joe" Pupsta
Guitarist with long hair performing outdoors in Roswell, New Mexico. | MOON MUTT Recording Studio
"Wow Windows Of The Soul came out amazing with Bestowed Spirit....Thank you Christopher Aguilar..Can't wait to share it with you guys.."
Bestowed Spirit
Paul Lugo
Alternative rock band 95 Behind with different expressions standing in front of a building with windows. | MOON MUTT Recording Studio
"We want to thank Chris for his amazing work and for his hospitality during the making of our record! It was a blast and we can't wait to show everyone what we've been working on"
95 Behind

Your music is


than the studio

What do you get when you record with The MUTT?

  • Radio ready music
  • Your own landing page with music, video, tools, etc.*
  • Sell your music comission free*
  • Social platforms come and your own gatekeeper of your fans
  • Get a custom release plan*
  • Get tools to help you manage and move your career*
  • Build strength through your music community and culture

Does your track need a touch of pitch correction? Maybe you’re looking for the “auto-tune” effect. Or, maybe the timing needs a little tightening up, and recording again just isn’t an option. No matter the circumstances, the studio can help! Contact MOON MUTT Recording Studio to discuss your needs and what you can expect.



No mom would serve up Thanksgiving pumpkin pie without whip cream, and no recording is quite ready to be served to the fans without mastering. Now that we’ve got your tracks laid down and every instrument has the attention it deserves, it’s time to make that music taste sweet by giving it the punch, width, clarity, and volume to compete with other commercially available tracks.

After we’ve finished capturing your vibe though, rest assured that MOON MUTT is also operated by a fellow lifelong musician who actually is invested in helping you! I can offer tasteful input when asked, assist with a riff or vocal harmony when needed, or simply sit back and feel blessed to share a love for the sonic picture you, the artist, are painting.

I have enjoyed the opportunity and privilege of helping (and learning from) talent to get their music from the “idea stage” to the masses, and have over 40 years of combined schooling and practical experience, not only as an engineer but as a working musician (and music lover and enthusiast).

So, I know what it’s like to be in your shoes, which is why I want so badly to help you!



Equipment is only a part of the picture. The utmost care is given to the artist & their vision before recording even begins, and incredible attention is given to capturing the best recordings possible before any mixing or editing is done (since getting a great recording, in the beginning, can lead to a stellar track in the end, after all).

After we’ve finished capturing your vibe though, rest assured that MOON MUTT is also operated by a fellow lifelong musician who actually is invested in helping you! I can offer tasteful input when asked, assist with a riff or vocal harmony when needed, or simply sit back and feel blessed to share a love for the sonic picture you, the artist, are painting.

I have enjoyed the opportunity and privilege of helping (and learning from) talent to get their music from the “idea stage” to the masses, and have over 40 years of combined schooling and practical experience, not only as an engineer but as a working musician (and music lover and enthusiast).

So, I know what it’s like to be in your shoes, which is why I want so badly to help you!



MOON MUTT is a custom-built, beautiful & budget-minded recording studio located in the country just south of Roswell, New Mexico. It is available for live recording & multi-tracking, mixing & mastering services both in-house & through online collaboration.

 An all-wood dedicated tracking room promotes an intimate session between you and your music, while acoustic treatments help to capture the life and spirit of your recording. Proven techniques used in conjunction with the same tried and tested professional microphones used by artists from Snoop Dogg to Miscke Butler, tube pre-amps, and other analog equipment and interfaces begin the signal chain whether you prefer a “live” or multi-tracked recording format.

From there, all tracks are recorded using the widely accepted industry standard bit depths and sampling rates through quality A/D/A converters allowing for clean, well represented sonic reproductions within the dynamic audio spectrum.

MOON MUTT – #yourmusicepic



By the time all of this is said and done, we will have gotten to know each other pretty well. We'd say that entitles you to a "family rate"! (And if you like this, just wait 'til the family reunion three-legged race!)

Get 15% off of any studio service for life! 

That's off of every single invoice. Even if we're running a special!

Rack up those savings! For life!

These days, authenticity is where it’s at. Let’em know you’re a real person with your stats and put your professional foot forward for the industry with a 500-word pro bio.

Your vital statistics, what town you're reppin’, and other basic demographic info will be easily seen. A 500-word biography will also be written by a professional, published author. You’ll have exactly what is needed when you start to push your press kit to DJs, bloggers, or anyone else who needs the info for their audience.

Your music isn’t a “one and done” sorta thing. You’ve got more hits coming. When you’re ready to release, your website is ready to host.

  • – Your first release is included**

  • – $50 credit/year for life

  • – $2.50/track thereafter to upload, store, and stream

You've poured your heart and soul into your music. Don't drop the ball now by just throwing it 'out there' with the hope that someone will listen! (Just dropped a new track! Take a listen! Hello? Anyone out there?)

Hopefully, you started getting all your ducks in a row when you entered the studio, but if you didn't there's still hope! We know you're stoked to drop your track, but just pump the brakes a little and exercise some discipline. You want to generate some hype and get your fans salivating for your release before you make it public. 

This Upgraded Plan will equip you with a set of enhanced tools you need to execute a solid release and post-release strategy. Customizable social-buzz templates, content ideas, and even a calendar outline and release checklist to make sure you're all set to unleash your music beast with maximum impact.

You're able to post your events online, and now you've got the ability to sell tickets, too! Know exactly how many fans to expect, get attendees to fill out forms and learn more about your fans, and even set up tiered tickets!

The average ticket commerce system takes a 15% cut of the face value of your ticket price. So, imagine selling 100 tickets a month at $10 a pop. If you're part of a 5 piece band, that's each of you bringing 10 paying fans to two shows a month. Easy! (Thanks for coming Mom and Dad, and for bringing the dogs!)

Selling the tickets yourself puts an extra $1800 a year in your pockets! That ain't chump change.

Your music is killer, but your eye for fashion is even killer-ee-er. (It's a word. Look it up. Please, don't.)

And one of the cool things about good-looking merch? Even non-fans will sport it if it looks hot! Now you've got fans and not-yet fans as walking supporters of your brand. That gets attention. And that's worth way more than the cost of a shirt.

This isn't your grandad's slideshow presentation. (Not you, pops! I really enjoyed your 76-slide presentation of how your liver spots have progressed.)

Set up a live stream for your fans! Plus, you can sell seats or even put your live feed behind a password-protected wall, available only for your special fan club. Take advantage of reaching your fans even when you're not in their city.

By the time all of this is said and done, we will have gotten to know each other pretty well. We'd say that entitles you to a little "hook up"! (Just please don't ask us to help you move. Ok, maybe just once. We'll see.)

Get 10% off of any studio service for 3 whole years! 

That's off of every single invoice. Even if we're running a special!

Rack up those savings!

These days, authenticity is where it’s at. Let’em know you’re a real person with your stats and put your professional foot forward for the industry with a 300-word pro bio.

Your vital statistics, the town you're reppin’, and other basic demographic info will be easily seen. A 300-word biography will also be written by a professional, published author. You’ll have exactly what is needed when you start to push your press kit to DJs, bloggers, or anyone else who needs the info for their audience.

Your music isn't just up against other music. It's up against everything else out there! News, DM' name it. Everyone and everything is vying for the attention of your fans and potentially stealing their time away from you and your craft. Cut down the noise at least a little by embedding your social feed on your site! 

Your fans can now listen, download, or even shop, all while still checking out your live IG feed.

Hey...every minute spent with your music is another opportunity for someone to get it stuck in their head. (Which is a welcomed thing, as opposed to this infernal CD that is skipping in my mind!)

You've poured your heart and soul into your music. Don't drop the ball now by just throwing it 'out there' with hope that someone will listen! (Just dropped a new track! Take a listen! Hello? Anyone out there?)

Hopefully, you started getting all your ducks in a row when you entered the studio, but if you didn't there's still hope! We know you're stoked to drop your track, but just pump the brakes a little and exercise some discipline. You want to generate some hype and get your fans salivating for your release before you make it public. 

This Basic Plan will equip you with at least the minimum tools you need to execute a solid release strategy. Customizable social-buzz templates, content ideas, and even a calendar outline and release checklist to make sure you're all set to unleash your music beast with maximum impact.

Your music isn’t a “one and done” sorta thing. You’ve got more hits coming. When you’re ready to release, your website is ready to host.

  • – Your first release is included**

  • – $25 credit/year/3 years

  • – $2.50/track thereafter to upload, store, and stream

You've got your fans craving your TikTok content. (All that dance MTV really paid off!) What about your long-form content? Add your super-rich video content to your YouTube channel so it can also be streamed from your website. 

Again, all so you can keep your fans focused on the greatest thing you have to offer them; you!

Plus, by adding a custom subscribe button near your award-winning video, you can focus on driving fans to your site, and your CTA's (call-to-action) like your email opt-in form, without having to sacrifice potential subscribers to your YT channel!

Standard Version: Add your entire channel to your website so your videos aren't just front and center, they're the whole enchilada! This way your fans can watch your video content, add streaming views to your channel, and see what else you, and only you, have to offer.

Facebook event is a great place to mention what you've got going on. That is, so long as your fans, both current and potential, see it in time! (I missed The Ramones' farewell show, again?!)

Make sure everyone knows what you're up to by adding your events to your very own calendar on your site! You get a front-end login to add all the important details, like date, time, and location, and can add other fun stuff, too! Like who else is going to be there, vendors on site, etc. You also get to showcase your killer flyer artwork AND visitors can add it to their own calendar straight from the site!

We know, we know...we bring up the lopsided truth of streaming royalties a lot! But seriously, do you know how many streams it takes to make a buck?! (It's just under 144 streams. Somebody, please, make that make sense to me!)

You put in the hard work. You put in the hours honing your craft. You put in the blood, sweat, and tears. Why should "they" reap all the rewards??

Sell downloads to your fans and see why streaming only is the worst way to go. (Hack: you could even make that B-side recording available only by downloading on your site <wink>)

Your fans already have their phones at your shows. They carry them while they walk downtown. Making sure you’ve got your phone is the same now as making sure you’ve got your ID on you. Leverage that fact!

Use your QR code to give fans a quick and easy way to get where you need them to go. Your socials. Your email. Your downloads. Wherever! With this bundle, you even have the chance to direct social traffic with your own link-in-bio tool. It’s so much more than just a link. It’s a feature-packed custom landing page, too!

Use your very own QR account and log in to create unlimited static or dynamic QR codes that can point anywhere you desire. We will also help you set up your own branded link-in-bio page and send you regular analytics to see which clicks and views are coming from where so you can tailor your efforts to where they’re making the biggest impact!

It’s under the hood stuff, but without an engine, your ride will go nowhere. Let’s make sure when fans search for you on the web, you don’t get buried under the rest.

Google analytics is constantly changing and so is what “it” deems qualifies as a website worthy of popping up when someone does a search. Your website will be built with all the boxes checked to give you the best chance of ranking high on the search results.

Even if you don’t know what “SSL” stands for, you’ve seen it. It’s the little padlock up next to the web address that lets everyone know your site is safe to transmit info. One little icon makes all the difference. 

We will handle setting up and installing your SSL certificate so that the web, and more importantly your visitors, know that your site is safe and secure. (Isn’t that cozy?!)

There are a ton of places to host your site. Saying they’re all the same is like saying any economy car is like a Benz. We host on reliable and fast servers. And, we do the heavy lifting of setting it all up.

The painstaking and tedious task of finding reliable servers has already been done. You’ll have plenty of storage and plenty of power to run your website, and it’ll be with servers that utilize the latest technology and are here to stay.

The web was born for the full-screen experience. But, let’s face it. Too many people miss out because they use their cells. No worries! Now you can include them, too.

How infuriating is it to try and navigate a website that was obviously not meant to be seen on a smaller screen, right?! Get a website design that dynamically adjusts to the size of the screen the user is…using.

Your music isn’t a “one and done” sorta thing. You’ve got more hits coming. When you’re ready to release, your website is ready to host.

  • – Your first release is included**

  • – $2.50/track thereafter to upload, store, and stream

These days, authenticity is where it’s at. Let’em know you’re a real person with your stats and put your professional foot forward for the industry with a 100-word pro bio.

Your vital statistics, like what town you're reppin', and other basic demographic info will be easily seen. A 100-word biography will also be written by a professional, published author. You’ll have exactly what is needed when you start to push your press kit to DJs, bloggers, or anyone else who needs the info for their audience.

Collect your fans’ emails. Send out blasts with “need to know” info. The point? Your fans are your fans. The platforms can’t take’em away.

Create a powerful custom form that integrates with your very own email management service account. Collect emails and have the ability to send out campaigns, notices, and automatic replies, or get creative and send out things like contest notices. You name it! And, keep your brand on your fans’ minds. Keep the keys to your fans in your pocket…not the pockets of big socials’.

Share important music news, or chronicle your road trip, backstage antics, or even what “they” wore on stage, if that’s your bag! (Dear Diary…)

Get your own login and access to your site’s blog and say or promote anything you think is valuable. That sort of thing keeps’em coming back!

You've got your fans craving your TikTok content. (All that dance MTV really paid off!) What about your long-form content? Add your super-rich video content to your YouTube channel so it can also be streamed from your website. 

Again, all so you can keep your fans focused on the greatest thing you have to offer them; you!

Plus, by adding a custom subscribe button near your award-winning video, you can focus on driving fans to your site, and your CTA's (call-to-action) like your email opt-in form, without having to sacrifice potential subscribers to your YT channel!

Basic Version: Features the video of your choice. Suggests other videos when yours is finished playing.

This is why you’re here! Instead of letting your fans get distracted by other music, ads, and who knows what else, send’em here to keep their eyes (and ears) focused on you. Plus, a website shows you’re a pro to be taken seriously.

Your music will be hosted and playable on a widget that is designed with your brand in mind. Your colors. Your style. Your sound. And it’s all yours. You’re the opener and the headliner. No distractions. Plus, when you give industry people the link, they’ll see your custom professional website. Not you and a ton of other artists on Soundcloud.